Our leadership has deep experience in all phases of commercial solar and community-scale power plant development. As a proven team, we have learned and prospered through the evolution of the solar market including changes to the Investment Tax Credit (“ITC”), module tariffs, historically low power prices, and an increasingly competitive landscape.
Eric Crisler.
As Director of Development, Eric oversees strategy and development. Prior to joining Entero, Eric held positions with a number of startups and public companies including PRC Environmental Management and Vocaltec Communications. Eric received his BA from Duke University and holds an MBA from Yale University.
Nancy Ballou.
Nancy Ballou serves as Entero Energy’s Business Development Director. She brings over 28 years of corporate experience within the consulting, financial services and manufacturing industry. She is well known for working with mid-sized corporations and start-ups to identify traction points, launch to scales and position effectively for investors.
Nancy served as a CEO, COO and CFO in the manufacturing industry for companies with over $150 million in revenue. She also held the position of Chief Operating Officer for a Central Texas Bank and SBA lender for over a decade. Additionally, she has extensive experience in mergers & acquisitions, equity and start-up work as a business and financial consultant. She has a decades-long proven track record in building and growing highly profitable businesses.